Valerie Watts gave birth to a stillborn baby last July, and was left with the painful reminders of the child she never got to bring home, including a crib she had put together in preparation for the new arrival.
Devastated by the loss, Watts hung onto the crib for months, until an older couple took interest in it when she held a garage sale in April.

Gerald Kumpula likes to turn second hand furniture into benches, and thought the crib would make the perfect start to a new project.

Despite not originally wanting to sell the crib, in the end Watts parted with it - though at this stage Kumpula had no idea of the emotional significance attributed to the cot.
But after hearing the tragic story from his wife on the way home, the craftsmen decided to make the cot into a memorial bench for Ms Watts.
'It's amazing, and there's good people out there. There's proof,' Ms Watts said.
Valerie now has the cot in her home, complete with a blue teddy bear for the baby.