If you’re anything like us, you’re probably attached to your smartphones 24/7.
After all, they can pretty much do everything; from playing music to monitoring your sleep, teaching you yoga moves to connecting you with your friends, they’ve become our loyal sidekicks in the modern world.
But, if we had to complain about one thing, it’s that they kind of left us in the cold when it came to finding out whether or not we were pregnant.
Well, thankfully, that all looks set to change.
Anyone fancy a smartphone pregnancy test app?
That’s right; First Response, the makers of the popular pregnancy tests, just unveiled an app that will tell you whether or not you're pregnant.

Although, yes, you do still have to pee on a stick.
According to Cosmopolitan, the sticks look just like your typical pregnancy tests, and they sync with a smartphone app via Bluetooth.
The procedure is very simple:
Urinate on the stick, as normal
Wait for the app to notify you and let you know that it has detected a sample
Wait for the countdown clock (showing three minutes) to tick away until the result is ready
There are some added bonuses to peening on a stick and letting your phone take charge.
For example, it has some procrastination elements to help you while away those three minutes.
Yes, really.
Just click on "Calm Me," "Educate Me," or "Entertain Me" to either listen to soothing music, learn about fertility, or just watch puppy videos.
Once you find out whether you’re preggers or not, you can choose to store the data in a bid to help you track your fertility.
It’s all very sic fi, isn’t it?
**Would you trust a smartphone pregnancy app? **
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