Shocking footage shows man throwing toddler face-first into a pool to ‘teach her a lesson’

A man has been charged with child abuse after footage emerged showing him throw a toddler into a pool to ‘teach her a lesson.’


by Fiona Day |
Published on

Corey McCarthy was charged with two counts of child abuse after he threw his 23-month-old daughter Mia into the pool head first.

According to reports, McCarthy threw Mia into the pool to ‘teach her a lesson’ after she accidently dropped a puppy into the water where it then, sadly, drowned.

The video shows McCarthy throwing Mia high into the air before she lands in the pool. A woman standing in the pool then rushes over to the toddler and plucks her out of the water before she can come to any harm.

The girl’s mother Samantha told local news: You see him taunting her, like throwing her like he's gonna, then he's not, throwing her like he's gonna, then he's not.’

‘What people don't know is also in the beginning of the video, he hoses her down with a water hose to kind of torture her that way.’

She added: 'I am very angry and I'm very hurt and I just hope that my kids are going to be OK from this.’

'People make mistakes, but this is past a poor decision and a mistake. This is a child.’

Police arrested McCarthy at his home in Phoenix, Arizona, and charged him with child abuse on the grounds that his methods of discipline were not ‘reasonable.’

He is currently serving s prison sentence, though is spending time in a prison hospital after being beaten up by other inmates.

Watch the shocking footage below:

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