In a groundbreaking TV first, new series The Body Donors follows the lives of terminally ill Mike Bowyer, 77, and Diana King, 54, who both made the difficult decision to donate their bodies for medical research.
When Danielle's mum Diana discovered she had just six months left to love after being diagnosed with with cancer, she made the selfless decision to donate her body for medical research.
Once she died, her body was frozen and used by student surgeons to practice on. Diana's daughter Danielle, 30, says: "I'm so proud of mum- she wanted to educate others on body donation, but it's been an emotional journey.
"When she died I felt like couldn't grieve properly as we couldn't bury her. We were stuck in limbo and watching the TV show now has been difficult. I'm grieving all over again."
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Body Donorsis on Channel 5 on Tuesday 6 October at 9pm.