The kitten-adorably nicknamed Ticket- was discovered wandering around a bus on Friday morning.
The SSPCA released a statement following the discovery reading: “Scotland’s animal welfare charity was alerted by Lothian Buses on Thursday (10 July) after the feline was spotted by a lady on the number 3 service.”
“The black and white kitten, estimated to be around seven weeks old, is now in the care of the Scottish SPCA’s Edinburgh and Lothians Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Balerno.”
“We think it's very likely Ticket was abandoned but we also can’t rule out the possibility someone may have been transporting him and left him behind when they got off the bus.”

Closer contacted the SSPCA rehoming centre where Ticket is being cared for and discovered that the well-to-do bus driver has decided to give the cat a loving home.
VIDEO: Watch these kittens dancing in harmony
Ticket will stay at the rehoming centre for two more weeks until he is old enough to move into his new home. He is currently being kept company by three adorable Tabby kittens who are still looking for homes.
Abandoning an animal is an offence under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 and anyone found guilty of doing so can expect to be banned from keeping animals for a fixed period or life.
Anyone with information is being urged to contact the Scottish SPCA Animal Helpline on 03000 999 999.