Lorraine Earles, Natalie Lilley and Leah White appeared in York Crown Court following the shocking revenge attack.
The trio were accused of burning their victim’s genitals with hair tongs and a cigarette lighter.
The court heard that the victim was targeted after the women discovered he had been dating three women at once.
Male defendant Brendan Teale, 27, was also jailed for 12 months for actual bodily harm, after ’torturing’ the unnamed victim with curling tongs and a cigarette lighter and forcing him to drink washing up liquid.

Lilley, 19, and White, 22, were given a two-year community order and 100 hours unpaid work.
Earles, 47, was spared jail after lawyers claimed she was 'clearly a troubled woman with a history of psychological difficulties’.
She was instead also handed a two-year community order.
The women were told in court: “You all participated in an attack upon (the victim) which was designed to embarrass and humiliate him.”