Amanda, tweeting from @Pandamoanimum, shared a photograph of the worksheet that had been glued into her son's exercise book.
She captioned it: “My son has spellings from school that they want him to learn.
“I’m currently holding my head and sighing.”
Check it out:
Out of the six spellings the children were asked to learn, two of them were wrong.
If you look closely, you will see that ‘immediately' has been spelled as 'immediateley' and 'sincerely' spelled as 'sincerley’.
The tweet has since been retweeted over 2000 times, with Twitter users picking up on the fact that there are even MORE mistakes in the paragraph above the spellings.
Which means that the note reads: "For homework each week, I will be sending home six words from the recommended spelling test, which I will then pick up in class the following work.
"Please try to help you child learn these as it will make a real difference.”
We assume that was meant to be a ‘week’ and a ‘your’ there!
Amanda has since been accused of faking the note by some social media users, but the mum remained unfazed by their comments.
She wrote: “Everyone who is asking if this is real, yes, it is. I wish it wasn't.
“I will be having strong words at the school tomorrow.”
She also shared an image of the exercise pasted into her son’s workbook, to put an end to claims she had photoshopped the image.
Amanda later shared an update with Twitter, revealing that she had found a second homework sheet in her son’s bag.
She wrote: “Found this in son's bag. Assume errors realised and meant to stick this in instead.”
Unfortunately for the teacher, there was still another glaring error.
This time the note read: “In May, all of the Year 6 students will undertake the SATs examinations. As part of this they will have to complete a spelling test.
“For homework each week.
“I will be sending home I will be sending home six words from the recommended spelling test which I will then pick up in class the following work.
"Please try to help your child learn these as it will make a real difference.”