A secondary school has relaxed its uniform rules in a move that aims to let transgender pupils wear what makes them feel confortable in their learning environment.
The college in Brighton recently informed its pupils that the gender-specific uniform that was in previously mandatory will be replaced with a ‘trouser uniform’ and ‘skirt uniform’ so children or either sex can elect to wear.
The school’s headmaster, Richard Cairn, told the Brighton College students that the bold move was breaking away from tradition and reverting a uniform rule as many as 170 years old, and responding to a changing society.
Mr Cairns said:
"If some boys and girls are happier identifying with a different gender from that in which they were born, then my job is to make sure that we accommodate that.
“I hate the idea of anyone being in my school who is miserable because they're being asked to dress in a way they are uncomfortable with.
“Brighton College has instead decided to abolish the notion of boys' and girl' schools altogether.”

So going forward, pupils will be able to wear either a tweed blazer, tie, and trousers or a skirt, open-neck Revere blouse and bolero jacket - although parents will be asked to write in to inform the school of their child’s uniform choice beforehand.
And the forward thinking move has already been a success, as many of the girls have taken up wearing trousers to school, and at least one boy has opted for the skirt uniform.
Mr Cairns came to the decision after talking to the schools Gender Society, run by pupils Amy Arnell, 18 and Lilya Tata, 17.
Amy said: “Luckily our voices were heard and it's been implemented, which makes us very proud and happy.”
**Do you think other schools should follow in Brighton College's footsteps? Let us know on our Facebook or Twitter page. **