At the height of her anorexia, frail Brittany Burgunder exercised six hours a day, weighed just 4st, and doctors warned she’d die if she didn’t gain weight.
Thankfully, Brittany managed to gain 6st in three months. But her weight gain then spiralled out of control.
She began bingeing on junk food and consuming up to 12,000 calories a day until she weighed 15st 7lb, a size 20.

Brittany, 27, who studies psychology and lives in California, USA, has now conquered her demons and is a healthy size 10.
She says: “After almost losing my life to anorexia, I became terrified of dying so I went the other way, gorging on food until I was obese.
"But I realized I was miserable both thin and big and needed to address my issues with food.
"Now, after counselling, I’m in recovery and weigh around 8st 9lb. I won’t let diet control my life again.”
Read the full story in Closer magazine, out now.