Real life 50 Shades of Grey: “My husband spanks me with a wooden spoon – and I love it”

With the 50 Shades of Grey film out this weekend, Molly Moore and Michael Knight tell Closer what it’s like to live in a submissive / dominant relationship

50 shades new

by Mel Fallowfield |
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Mum-of-two Molly Moore wears a collar every day and in her kitchen there’s a wooden spoon – both items are a permanent reminder of the agreement she entered into five years ago when she started a relationship with husband Michael – who she calls ‘Sir’.

Molly, 42, is the ‘submissive’ one of the pair – meaning she’s agreed to always do what her 54-year-old ‘dominant’ husband tells her, from eating what he says, to asking permission if she wants to dye her hair and being spanked with a wooden spoon if she steps out of line.


The idea of a sub/dom relationship came under the spotlight when the erotic novel 50 Shades of Grey became a huge hit in 2011 – a film version, out this Friday, is already causing shock waves.

It follows the relationship between student Anastasia and rich businessman Christian Grey. Anastasia signs a contract agreeing to do whatever Grey asks, prompting an outcry from people saying it was anti-feminist.

But for Molly Moore the reality of such a relationship is very different – and one she says is the most feminist and liberating choice she could have made.

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Molly, who lives in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire and writes an erotic fiction blog, explains: “50 Shades was sensationalist, and Grey's ultra controlling nature is something that most people in our community would steer away from. This only works for us because we are truly in love and I trust Michael completely.

“In the bedroom Michael ties me up and spanks me with a wooden spoon, which I really enjoy. But we have a safe word and I know Michael will always stop if I want him to. He respects my boundaries.

“Our relationship isn’t about me being Michael’s slave, I trust he has my best interests at heart. If I asked if I could dye my hair blonde. I’m pretty sure he’d veto it, but he’s never said no to me going out with my girlfriends, as he knows that would make me unhappy.

"He does tell me what to wear or if i'm putting off going to the gym he tells me it's time to go, but it’s liberating for me to give up those decisions. Feminism is about being what you want to be. Our relationship might not work for everyone, but I’m happier than ever.”

Read more of Molly's story in Closer mag, out today

Visit: mollysdailykiss.comfor more info

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