Taking to Reddit, the worried father explained that his little girl had been looking up sex online.
He said: “[I mean] things like pornhub and movies on Netflix.”
Trying to explain a bit about his family’s background, he continued: "My daughter and I used to live with my parents. Her mother abandoned us when she was about 3. She has an okay relationship with her mum.
“I have recently gotten married however she and my wife didn't get along the best of once we all started living together which is why I allowed her to live with my parents until things turn around."
His mother caught the schoolgirl looked at pornhub and adult Netflix movies twice, which prompted the concerned dad to restrict her access to the internet.

He continued: “She used to be very active but a little over 6 months started to close herself in.
“She has friends at school but primarily plays with the boys and she used Skype with one of them because they like the same game.... Minecraft.
“Never thought that was an issue until I also looked up their conversations and the kid brought up porn a couple of times.”
He finished: “My question is how do I help her be on the right path again? Any advice on the best way to handle this situation would be great."
Parents have flooded the Reddit thread with their own advice for the father.
One fellow father suggested: “Just talk to her like a person. Tell her that its for adults and you'd rather she didn't look at it, explain why and put filters on things.
“But you'll have to trust me when I tell you she'll find it if she wants now. The only way to save this is to be open and positive.”

Another added: “Would you have just ‘stopped looking at porn’ if your parents told you you couldn't? Hell no.
“I’m afraid this is part of her interests now and she shouldn't be shamed or punished for it.
“What does need to happen is a talk about how porn sex is not real sex, about how she shouldn't expect this is real life, and then the actual sex talk needs to happen. Because if she's watching it and hanging around boys a lot, at some point there will probably be experimentation.“
Another Reddit user advised: “Please try not to over-react or punish her or make her feel dirty. You need to have an honest conversation about sex, masturbation, boys, etc.
“Try not to be judgemental. You have the power to influence how she she's sex as either dirty, nasty, and something to be ashamed of, or as something natural, healthy, and part of an adult relationship.”

However many parents did slam the father for allowing his daughter to live with her grandmother, insisting that he should have made more of an effort to make her feel comfortable around his new wife.
One fumed: “I’m giving you advice except I'm not filtering it through a coddling lens. It's because I feel intensely bad for her.
“The advice is this: act like a parent and treat your daughter like your child.
“Get a divorce, move her back in, and talk to her about sex like a parent would.
“She was curious about sex and has no one to ask because her mom and dad aren't present, trusted caregivers in her life.”
The father took much of the advice calmly - and thanked everyone for their help.
He said: “Well, I am trying to be a decent father. Hopefully you can be a bit more tolerant of others experiences.
“If you don't have anything positive to say relevant to the post please refrain from posting. I am not looking to be judge by others. I am here for advice and constructive criticism not name calling or judgment.
“I appreciate your input… means a lot.”
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