The Queen puts Christmas on hold because she and Phillip are unwell

Get well soon your majesty!

The Queen and Phillip

by Hannah Mellin |
Published on

The Queen and Prince Phillip have reportedly pulled out of travelling to their Sandringham estate - where they head to celebrate Christmas every single year with their family - due to ill health.

Like many of us this winter, Queen Elizabeth, 90, and her husband Phillip, 95, have come down with really bad colds and would rather stay at Buckingham Palace to recouperate.

The couple were expected to take the train to Kings Lynn near their Norfolk estate to join the rest of their family today - but they didn't turn up.

A palace spokesman said: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have heavy colds, and so have decided not to travel to Sandringham today."

He added: "I would imagine they will wish to travel as soon as they feel able to.

"They certainly won't want to miss the family Christmas at Sandringham, so I am sure they will return to their plan for Christmas in a day or so."

It's completely understandable that The Queen and Phillip are putting their plans on hold until they're feeling better, especially as they're both still recovering from the festive lunch they held on Tuesday that saw the whole family reunite for their annual Christmas get together before they all head off to Sandringham.

The Queen will also start to take her royal duties a little easier from next year, as it has been announced that she would stand down from 25 patronages this year - passing over responsibilities to the younger royals like Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry.

Plus, she needs to be fit and ready for her legendary speech to us all on Christmas Day!

Will she be well enough or will this year be the first she she misses her annual Christmas speech?

We wish The Queen and Phillip all the best, get well soon!

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