The Queen has been heard saying Chinese officials were ‘very rude’

The comment was filmed as The Queen spoke to a police officer during a meet-and-greet at Buckingham Palace

The Queen 90 Birthday

by Francesca Battson |
Published on

The rare outspoken remark from Her Majesty was caught on camera yesterday during a garden party at Buckingham Palace, where The Queen met Commander Lucy D’Orsi.

Commander Lucy D’Orsi – who was commander of the policing operation for the Chinese state visit in October 2015 – was speaking to Her Majesty about her time on the visit.

When Her Majesty was introduced to the Commander who was in charge of President Xi’s security during his visit to the UK, The Queen responded, “Oh, bad luck”.

90th birthday ©Getty

Queen Elizabeth II – who recently turned 90 - was then overheard telling Commander D’Orsi that the Chinese delegation were “very rude” to the British ambassador to China, Barbara Woodward.

The police officer then added that the officials were “very rude and very undiplomatic”.

See the video from the Press Association here:

According to The Metro, the Metropolitan Police have decided not to comment on the video.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister David Cameron was also caught on camera making critical comments about Afghanistan and Nigeria during a conversation with The Queen – ahead of an anti-corruption summit he will be hosting in London on Thursday 12 May.

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