PROPOSAL VIDEO: Man recreates iconic scene from The Notebook to propose

A man has created his girlfriend’s favourite film scene to orchestrate the best wedding proposal ever.

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by Maria Vallahis |
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Angelo Piccini recreated the infamous boat scene from The Notebook to pop the question to girlfriend Chiara Grimaldi.

The magical occasion was put together with the help from Tiffany Wright, a Proposal planner for my company The One Romance, who helped Angelo rent a private lake in North London’s Alexandra Palace.

Real-life Ryan Gosling, aka Angelo, filled the lake with 1,000 origami swans, as opposed to the real ones in the film, and took Chiara on a boat ride.

He surprised his now fiancée first with flowers, followed by a woman playing her favourite songs on guitar, a couple of Cosmopolitans with the final revelation of the paper swans.

Chiara was to be further surprised when her family members sprung out of the bushes carrying signs, which read: “Chiara, will you marry me! You are the one.”

As Chiara started to cry, Angelo said: “I guess you’ve realised while we’ve stopped.”

A shocked Chiara responded with: “What have you done?!” “I’ve tried to recreate a dream for you,” Angelo continued.

“When we are together, everything is possible. Together everything is doable.”

After telling Chiara she is the one, he opened up a small box to reveal a ring as Chiara said yes to the romantic proposal without hesitation.

The proposal was part of a series of proposals from The One Proposal.

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