The royal family was rocked by claims made earlier this month that Prince Andrew had abused an underage girl in the early 2000’s. Alleged victim Ms Roberts launched a civil case against Jeffrey Epstein – Andrew’s friend and a convicted padeophile – and in it she names Prince Andrew as someone who she was forced to have sex with three times while she was underage.
However, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson has strongly denied the allegations against the Duke, saying: ‘It is emphatically denied that the Duke of York had any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts. The allegations made are false and without any foundation.’
And now Andrew’s former wife Sarah has defended the Duke, describing him as ‘the greatest man there is.’
‘It was the finest moment of my life in 1986 when I married him. He is a great man, the best man in the world,’ Sarah told the Daily Mail this week when confronted with the allegations.
Ferguson and Andrew split in 1992, but have remained close friends ever since and often holiday together. At the time the allegations came to light, Andrew was in fact with his ex wife in the Swiss ski resort of Verbier, alongside one of the couple’s daughters, Eugenie.