Predatory rapist jailed for 13 years after grooming young girls

A man who plied young girls with alcohol before sexually abusing them has been jailed


by Ellie Henman |
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A paedophile who groomed young girls before sexually assaulting them has been jailed for 13 years. Mohammed Khubaib – who owns a restaurant in Peterborough – was convicted of grooming offences and rape last month.

During the hearing at the Old Bailey, the jury heard how Khubaib, 43, would ply teenagers with alcohol before coercing them into performing sexual acts.

They heard how, in one incident, he forced a 14 year old girl to perform a sexual act on him after getting her drunk. It was also told how Khubaib had a “persistent and almost predatory interest” in girls.

Khubaib was the tenth person to be put behind bars under Operation Erle – Cambridgeshire Police’s investigation which focuses on sexual abuse by men and boys against young girls.

Four cases prior to this saw nine males being jailed for 59 offences against 15 girls from the East Midlands and Peterborough.

Wendi Ogle-Welbourn, corporate director of people and communities at Peterborough City Council, said today: “We are pleased with this sentence today as it represents justice for the girls and young women who suffered at the hands of this vicious criminal.

“Their courage in reliving some absolutely horrendous experiences at the hands of this criminal has enabled us to get the result we did today and means that other girls and young women are safer in our city.”

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