Police launch ‘Terrorism Awareness Week’- but are you aware of what to look out for?

What does ‘Terrorism Awareness Week’ involve?


by Fiona Day |
Published on

Following the horrific terror attacks in Paris, police in the UK have stepped up efforts in the bid to raise awareness on what to do should a similar attack happen here.

Authorities have now launched National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week to try and educate the public on how they can help the police.

Deputy assistant commissioner Neil Basu from the UK Counter Terrorism Policing Network told the Mirror: “I cannot overstate the importance of the role that the public plays in helping to protect the UK against the threat of terrorism.

The public have been told to remain vigilant (stock image)
The public have been told to remain vigilant (stock image)

"Since the threat level was raised to 'severe' last year, police activity has increased accordingly in terms of number of arrests and investigations we're carrying out.

"But just as importantly, we're getting more calls and more information from the public which is vital to us."

He continued: “Whilst recent events in Paris were both sickening and horrific, people shouldn't feel powerless.

"There is still lots you can do as ordinary members of the public, as neighbours, as employees and even as parents to keep an eye out for the unusual and let us know."

Advice will soon be released on how to spot and report any suspicious activity and the public are being urged to contact the Anti Terrorist Hotline (0800 789 321) if they have any concerns.

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