When little Alice Moore was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, people took to social media to slam her parents as ‘cruel’ and ‘selfish’ for going ahead with her birth.
But why?
Well, both Simon and Vicky had been aware of the fact that there was a 50% risk their little girl would inherit the genetic disorder - which affects the bones and other tissues of the face - from her father.
The disorder could have been detected during the early stages of IVF, the route proved to be too expensive, so the couple went ahead with their pregnancy.
Their daughter did inherit Simon’s Treacher Collins Syndrome - but, despite being attacked by cruel critics, they insist that they have no regrets.

Sitting down with Phillip Schofield and Amanda Holden on ITV’s This Morning, Vicky said firmly: "We didn't go into this with our eyes closed.
"We had to go through a year and a half of genetic counselling before we even decided to go ahead with trying for a baby.
"If there was an embryo with the TC gene, then the clinic would automatically destroy it, refusing to put any back that carried it.
"But we knew there was no guarantee how bad the TC would be, if the baby would have it at all.
"It could have been as minor as a slight hearing problem, to being born with no face whatsoever. It was 50/50."

She went on to explain that her daughter has a very mild version of TC, with full cheekbones and only a slight gap below her eyes, meaning they droop only slightly.
Alice also has malformed ears, meaning that she is forced to wear a bone-anchored hearing aid.
She added: "Luckily she has got cheek bones, so it's not too bad, and her jaw is lovely so she doesn't have breathing problems.
"Her nose and nasal passage is very small, which is why she snores. She'll have an operation to anchor her hearing aid into her skull, like Simon has just had done."
Vicky also directly addressed the critics that have attacked both her and her husband, insisting: “I would ask people to broaden their minds – we’re not hurting you.”

Simon, who explained that he still has to deal with strangers pointing and laughing at him, insisted that Alice will have what he had as a child – ‘fantastic parents’ - and that this will help her as she grows up.
**Do you agree with the couple - is it unfair of others to judge their decision? **
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