Outcry after website publishes ’24 signs she’s a slut’

A shocking article entitled ’24 signs she’s a slut’ has appeared on an American website, listing reasons why women should be considered ‘slutty.’


by Closer staff |
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The website, Return of the Kings, describes itself as ‘a blog for heterosexual, masculine men who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine.’

Their mission statement goes on to say that they aim ‘to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed in favour of creating an androgynous and politically correct society that allows women to assert superiority and control over men.’

It continues: ‘a woman’s value is determined by her fertility and beauty. A man’s value is determined by his resources, intellect and character.’

The author calls himself simply 'Tuthmosis'
The author calls himself simply 'Tuthmosis'

The article opens with the author (who writes under a pseudonym, Tuthmosis) detailing how he arranged to meet up with a girl he had been talking to online. He describes how he increases his chances of ‘getting laid’ in percentages as the evening progresses.

After looking at her online profile he decides that she has a ‘slut face’ and gives himself a 1 in 4 chance of sleeping with her. He then raised his chances after ‘subtle hints at the bar’ but disturbingly majorly increased his supposed likelihood to 90% after his date said ‘I’m not having sex with you.’

The author then goes on to say that he had compiled a list of ‘signs’ that a girl is a slut and therefore, more likely to have sex.

The article featured a complied list of 'slut tells:' alleged signs that a girl is a 'slut.'

Reasons include physical traits such as having piercings and tattoos, dying your hair or having a nice tan. Worryingly, the article suggests that girls who have ‘daddy issues’ are ‘sluts’ and that girls who are not ticklish are promiscuous, using the theory that ‘they’re used to being handled by men.’

Shockingly, the author singles out women with larger breasts- or as the article puts it: ‘big tits’- as ‘sluts’ because ‘they came in early, which translates to years of male attention.’

After receiving a backlash on twitter, the author used his groundless hypothesis to undermine the women who took a stand against the misogynistic piece via the social networking site.

Disturbingly, the author received support on twitter from many male readers, who encouraged him to ‘preach.’ The article comes after a summer of stories about how women are represented in the media. Websites such as Return of the King have appeared in order to preach a double standard, which sadly still remains a the opinion of some.

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