The Paralympian has been on trial since the beginning of March, where he stands accused of the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, 29.
After the court in Pretoria heard evidence from psychiatrist Dr Vorster, who suggested that Pistorius's actions on the night of February 14 2013 should be seen in the context of the athlete suffering with generalised anxiety disorder.

And this morning the Judge confirmed that Pistorius will undergo a 30 day psychiatric assesment, stating: 'a referral means more delays, but this is not about convenience but about justice.'
Oscar's evaluators will no doubt be looking at Dr Vorster's claim that his heightened levels of anxiety would have provoked a 'fight' rather than flight response on the night of the shooting, as well as the idea that GAD would have made him see his environment as hostile and threatening.
Pistorius shot through a closed bathroom door four times in the early hours of February 14 2013, killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
The Paralympain claims he mistook his lover for an intruder, after hearing noises coming from the bathroom.
The case continues Tuesday.