The 27-year-old athlete was cleared of the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, instead being sentenced to five years in prison for Culpable Homicide (the equivalent of Manslaughter).
And despite Pistorius only having been in prison for one week, the prosecution have announced they will now appeal the sentence and conviction, and will campaign for Pistorius to face a murder trial.
June Steenkamp, Reeva’s mother, said the family were devastated when Judge Masipa ruled out murder and pre-meditated murder, but said after sentencing that they were happy with his punishment.
Meanwhile Pistorius's tight knit family have been lending their support to the athlete via social media, with brother Carl tweeting a photo of the pair as young boys, captioned with a quote from the bible.
Prosecutors have declined to reveal on what grounds they are appealing, but have confirmed they will file an application in the coming days.

The judge will then decide if she will allow the appeal to proceed. If she rejects it, Gerrie Nel for the prosecution can turn to the Supreme Court of Appeals to take the application further.
On Tuesday 21st, Oscar Pistorius was given five years in prison, with the condition that he may serve one sixth of his sentence inside, followed by the rest as house arrest.
Women’s rights groups around the world have slammed the sentence, which they say normalises violence against women.

Arnold Pistorius, Oscar’s uncle who was present for most of his trial in Pretoria, South Africa, acknowledged the decision to appeal yesterday.
‘We take note of the announcement. The legal process must take its course.’