A woman went into labour ten weeks premature on a Turkish Airlines flight and gave birth at 42,000ft to a baby girl
Most pregnant women have meticulously planned every single detail around when it comes to giving birth - from what what will go into their overnight bag to having an emergency taxi number on speed dial.
But for one woman, any birth planning she'd done went out of the window when she went into labour whilst travelling on a PLANE at 42,000ft.

Nafi Diaby, who was travelling from Conakry in Guinea to Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, was 28 weeks pregnant when she boarded the plane last week.
But when she started to experience labour pains on the flight, the cabin crew were forced to become temporary midwives and helped the woman to give birth over the course of the two-hour ten-minute flight.

Although the little girl, who Nafi named Kadiju, was born around ten weeks early, they were both taken to hospital immediately for observation and are both said to be doing well, according to Turkish Airlines.
It has also been said that the airline have granted the little girl free flights for life.

For some airlines, 28 weeks is the absolute maximum that they will allow a pregnant woman to travel, and some Twitter users found this to be a little suspicious.
One Twitter user commented on Turkish Airlines' tweet announcing the birth: "Is it me or does that baby look full term and not 28 weeks?!"
Another wrote: "Maybe slightly out on her dates?? That baby looks like it's 38 weeks not 28 weeks! Hmmm."
One user even branded the airline "liars", writing: "Liars. That's not a 28-weeks-gestation baby."


We're happy that mother and baby are well.
Have you or a loved one ever given birth somewhere unexpected? We'd love to hear your story - let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
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