The Mount Pleasant Sure Start Centre in Darlington have apparently forbidden parents from bringing prams into their building after a risk assessment showed they were blocking walkways and fire exits.
"I don't want to put my baby into a freezing cold buggy"
Instead they are handing out bicycle locks and instructing them to chain their pushchairs up outside the building.
However furious mums have lashed out, sating the ban is 'health and safety gone mad'.
Speaking with the Northern Echo, 34-year-old Emma Easterby said: "My baby has underdeveloped eyesight and doctors told me to use the sensory room there but I can't now as I can't take her pram in.
"There is no way I'm going to leave the pram chained up outside, I couldn't afford to replace it if it was stolen and I don't want to put my baby into a freezing cold buggy when we come back out.
"If word gets out that we are leaving our prams outside then we could be targeted.”

Jade Davidson, who is mum to a four-month-old son, added: "Charlie has not been very well since birth so when I was asked to leave his pram outside in the sleet and rain I was really upset.
"I needed to take him in to be weighed so I agreed but when I came back out and put him in the buggy he was freezing and developed a cold as a result."
Despite Darlington Borough Council's stance on the subject, MP Jenny Chapman has also spoken out against the decision.
"Only a crazy person would insist parents wake their sleeping children before they're ready."
She said firmly: "Only a crazy person would insist parents wake their sleeping children before they're ready.
'I'm sure there were sound practical reasons for suggesting the rule but we need to make sure nothing puts parents off accessing services."
However Jenni Cooke, a councillor responsible for children, families and learning, told the paper: "We've asked people to use their judgment, particularly at busy times, and park their prams and buggies in the covered, on-site buggy park.
"We will provide locks and help people get in and out of the centre if they need help."
Do you think the mother & baby centre are right to insist upon these rules? Would you be happy leaving your pram chained up outside?
Let us know your thoughts via the comments box below.