Mum of 12: “My kids are better off without me.”

Tabitha Nimes admits she's feels like a bad mum after walking out on her family, but doesn't regret setting up home with her toyboy.

Mum of 12

by Closer staff |
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Mum Tabitha Nimes sparked outrage last week when her ex-husband Peter blasted her for abandoning him and their 12 children and setting up home with her toyboy.

Tabitha, 39, left her family home in Rhyl, North Wales, before moving in with her security guard boyfriend Colt Nimes, 260 miles away in Southampton.

She now only sees her children once every six weeks.

Devastated former decorator Peter, 47, who is raising their brood alone, branded his ex 'despicable'.

But incredibly, in an exclusive* Closer* interview, Tabitha insists that her children are better off without her.

Tabitha, who married Colt, 32, in March, says: "I know everyone thinks I'm an awful mum but I walked out because Peter and I were arguing all the time; it wasn't good for the kids and it made them upset. Pete's a good dad, they're better off without me.

"I was suffering from post-natal depression and had to get away. I know the little ones sometimes want their mum, but they seem to be getting on well. I want to see them more, but I don't want to cause any more family arguments. I'm trying to do what's best for them, while living my own life too. I'm with Colt now, and I love him."

You can read more of Tabitha's story in this week's Closer magazine, out now.

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