Mother-to-be shares every single detail of 12-hour labour on Twitter

A woman has made headlines after sharing every single detail of her 12-hour labour (including contractions, selfies and epidurals) on Twitter


by Kayleigh Dray |
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Lyndsey Thomas, 34, caused a stir on Twitter when she began posting updates at almost every stage of her 12-hour labour.

When the Twitter fan arrived at hospitaly to be induced, she knew she was in for a long wait so, rather than settle down with a game of Scrabble, she decided to conduct her own social media experiment.

From posting selfies with nurses and doctors, to tweets about her agonising labour, Lyndsey made sure to chronicle every excruciating step of her birth on Twitter.

There were even pictures of the mum-to-be receiving an epidural, mid-contraction, posing with nurses and feeding her newborn daughter for the very first time.

Unsurprisingly, her hashtag #lyndseygivesbirth proved to be very popular… here's a few of her most iconic birth moments:

Lyndsey Thomas, 34, explained her decision to tweet the birth to The Islington gazette, saying: “I wanted to capture as much as I could, even during my contractions. It was a way of keeping my mind off the pain and telling friends what was happening.

“Often people post a message saying they’re going into labour but you don’t hear anything for a while afterwards.”

During the course of her 12 hours in labour, Mrs Thomas sent around 30 tweets using the hashtag ‘lyndseygivesbirth’ and attracted dozens of new followers.

“When I got there I thought ‘what can I do to pass a few hours before it all kicks off?’ she said.

“It was also a kind of social experiment to see what people’s reactions would be.

“Everyone was very positive – people were even guessing the weight and the time I would give birth. The staff too were all talking about it.”

Baby Ferne, 10 days overdue, finally arrived at 1pm on May 17th, sighing just over seven pounds, and made her Twitter debut almost immediately in a breastfeeding snap.

And it seems as if she won't be disappearing from social media anytime soon, as proud mum Lyndsey is continuing to tweet every step of her daughter's progress.

Lyndsey and her husband also have a son, Teddy, aged three.

The proud mum has since issued an extra-special thank-you to the staff at Whittington Hospital, saying: “The staff at the hospital were phenomenal – flawless from beginning to end.

“Every single person that dealt with me was fantastic. Everything I wanted I was given, so I want to say a huge thanks them.”

Would you ever live-tweet your birth story? Let us know via the Comments Box below now.

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