Man claims missing Flight MH370 passenger ‘sent desperate text’: “I am being held hostage”

A man has outrageously claimed that they have received a message from one of the passengers aboard missing Flight MH370, tracing back to a secret US military base (first published 4 April)


by Kayleigh Dray |
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As the search continues for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, a source has come forward to claim that they have received a desperate text from one of the American passengers.

Jim Stone has claimed that he has received a message from Phillip Wood, who was aboard the now missing Malaysian Airlines flight, which claims that the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people has been hijacked by military personnel.

The conspiracy theorist then goes on to claim that the supposed message, which he says arrived alongside a blank photo, has been traced back to coordinates which place the passenger only a few miles away from American controlled Diego Garcia military base which is located on an island south of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.

Relatives of passengers abord missing Flight MH370
Relatives of passengers abord missing Flight MH370

Apparently the text message reads:

*“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). *

"I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”

You can read the full 'message' - the apparent image received - on Stone's blog.

It is the latest in a series of conspiracy theories surrounding the missing plane, although it is one of the least believable; the blogger has come under fire for claiming the plane was hijacked in a bid to begin preparations for World War 3.

And it goes without saying that this post has been accused of prolonging the suffering and misery of families desperately waiting for information about their missing loved ones.

Meanwhile, grieving relatives of the Chinese nationals on board flight MH370 have been told to divert their anger away from the Malaysian government and focus instead on making funeral arrangements.

"All the related parties can do is to continue to search for the wreckage, carry on negotiations with the Malaysian side for more information and prepare to make arrangements for funerals."

While the plane has yet to be found, an Australian vessel searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has detected signals consistent with those from "black box" flight recorders in the Indian Ocean, reconfirming opinion that the plane did crash into the sea.

The Ocean Shield ship picked up the signal twice, once for more than two hours, said Angus Houston, a retired air chief marshal leading the search.

The area searched so far

He called it the "most promising lead" so far.

"I'm much more optimistic than I was a week ago.

"We are now in a very well defined search area, which hopefully will eventually yield the information that we need to say that [Malaysia Airlines flight] MH370 might have entered the water just here."

But he said more information was needed: "We haven't found the aircraft yet and we need further confirmation."


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