A mother was told to ‘hurry up and have your baby or I’ll cut you’ because a midwife was eager to go home and eat a takeaway curry, a court has heard.
Midwife Jeanette Matthews allegedly threatened a woman in labour at Airedale General Hospital in West Yorkshire.
Matthews faced charges of misconduct and lack of competence at a tribunal in London.
The mother’s identity was kept secret during the tribunal and she was referred to as ‘patient A’ during the hearing.

Greg Unwin spoke for the NMC, saying: ‘Patient A was admitted to Airedale General Hospital on the 19 February and delivered her baby during the night shift of the early hours of the 20 February.’
‘The registrant was her allocated midwife.’
He continued: ‘It is said that the registrant was rude in her conduct, that she inappropriately asked Patient A to stop using pain relief and that she had the patient in the lithotomy position, which is when the mother’s legs are placed in stirrups without providing any proper explanation or obtaining any consent.’
The incident was investigated by Sarah Bennett, who reported that: ‘She did admit that on occasion she would sometimes say to mothers that she might have to give them a little cut in order to encourage them to push harder.’
Jeanette Matthews was suspended from the hospital following the incident and she may face being struck of the register for midwives.
The tribunal continues.