Turbo was born without any front legs, but instead of letting his disability stop him from enjoying the world, little Turbo has overcome his disadvantaged start in life with the help of his owners.
Vets in Indiana decided to help little Turbo by constructing a wheelchair using a toy helicopter kit.
Turbo will have to wait until he’s at least 6 months old before he can be fitted for an adult cart, which led to vets getting creative for a short-term solution.
Turbo the brave Instagram dog










Turbo’s vet said: “We just wanted him to be able to get used to the feeling of a cart. It allows him to get up and use his legs a few minutes a day in addition to his physical therapy. Using toys just seemed logical because he is so small and it had to be very light.”
The puppy now has a devoted following on Instagram (@turbo.roo), and has even inspired disabled humans to be more positive.
One follower wrote: “Thank you for allowing this dog to live his life to it’s fullest and showing that his body may be damaged but that his spirit is 100xs tougher. He’s an inspiration to me as I’m starting my journey to learn to walk after being paralysis(sic) for 2 years. He’s a miracle and I’m grateful you’re sharing him with us.”
Are you inspired by this brave little puppy?