But one man got the shock of his life when he discovered an actual python in his box of corn flakes.
The horrifying discovery was made by Jared Smith, 22, in Sydney and, understandably, he didn’t hang around.
Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Jared explained: “I peeked in the box, saw its head pop out and that’s when I dropped my food on the counter and bolted for the door.”
Jared and his father enlisted the help of a local wildlife rescue service, and even they were surprised.

Chris McGreal, from the New South Wales Information, Rescue and Education Service, said: “The python was over two metres long and I couldn’t believe it was jammed into this small cereal box.
“When I got there I actually had to tear the box to get it out, that’s how tightly squeezed in it was. It’s likely it was hiding in there to feel secure.”
The python wasn’t venomous and usually only bite humans when they feel threatened.
In fact they are so human-friendly that most Australian’s don’t mind them hanging out in their gardens on the roofs of their homes.
Still, we’d rather not have to deal with that in the morning!