Andrew Wardle, who claims to have slept with over 100 women despite not having a penis, now hopes doctors will be able to make him a penis out of skin and muscle taken out of his arm.
Wardle hit the news last year after sharing his story on TLC and ITV - where he spoke about his condition ‘bladder estrophy’ where the organ forms on the outside of his body.
This left Andrew with testicles but without a penis.
But despite this, Andrew apparently managed to bed over 100 women, as well as bag himself a girlfriend - Fedra Fabian - who didn’t even know his secret for a whole year into their relationship.
His quest for a penis, which will be documented by network TLC, is being supported by Andrew’s girlfriend - who says she is ‘on board 100%’
‘I’m at the age where I really don’t care. Since I hit 40, I don’t care what people think or do,’ said Andrew, who added he’s taking things ‘one step at a time.’