Huang Mao spend over £5K to travel to meet Xiaojin Tuan, a woman he had been chatting to through an online dating service.

But on arrival, Mao quickly deduced that Tuan did not look like her beautiful profile shots would suggest.
Despite claiming through text that he was in love with the ‘goddess’ he had never met, when they came dace to face, Mao became enraged.
‘I knew exactly what she looked like, as the image of her face was engrained in my memory,’ said the 35-year-old.
‘So when this woman came and sat down next to me I was completely shocked.’
After confronting Tuan about her appearance, Mao became enraged, accused her of being deceitful and then punched her in the face.
The young woman fell to the ground, where Mao repeatedly stamped on her until the fight was broken up.
Mao slated the woman for having a fat face and acne in real life - and looking like a completely different person from her photos.
Tuan was given medical treatment, but decided not to press charges after the attack.