Madeleine McCann’s parents speak of their anguish: “I just want to know if she’s alive or dead”

As the seven year anniversary of their daughter's disappearance approaches, Kate and Gerry McCann reveal they want an end to the ordeal that began when their three year old daughter disappeared while on holiday in Portugal.


by Ellie Hooper |
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Kate, 46, admits that although they want Madeleine back, 'we do want an answer, whatever.'

She added that she has spent days weighing up what would be worse - hearing that Madeleine had been killed or not knowing, and that she decided that as a family 'we need to know.'

The McCann's have released a book about their ordeal, entitled 'Madeleine'
The McCann's have released a book about their ordeal, entitled 'Madeleine'

'Obviously our ultimate hope is that we find Madeleine and she comes home and we re-establish her into our family and spend the next few years of her life getting it all as good as it can be.'

'Regardless, we need to know.'

Kate and her husband Gerry, 45, are hopeful that a Met Police probe could unveil more evidence which could lead them to Madeleine, who by now would be 10 years old.

Three-year-old Maddie disappeared from her bed in an apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on the night of Thursday 3 May 2007.

After her mother discovered she was missing at 10pm, an investigation was launched in to the infant's disappearance, but so far Maddie's whereabouts remain unknown.

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