A study has found that most Brits are happy with their current life situation - contrary to popular belief
We're always so GLOOMY about life, aren't we?
It's so easy to focus on the negatives in the life - and Brits are well-known for their occasional Eeyore-like dispositions - but research has found that actually, we're much happier with our lot than we make out.
Yep - according to a study of undertaken on behalf of Casumo.com, three in five people reckon they're winning at life.
Of 2,000 British adults polled, 63% feel positive about their situation when it comes to key aspects of their daily life such as family life, social life and finances.
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A quarter of those surveyed confidently claimed that they were at the top of their game in their career, and three in 10 were blissed out in their relationship.
Another 25% are happy with the state of their bank balance, and a fifth count their current physical health as a MAJOR life victory.
So what are the top 10 life accomplishments that make British people feel like they're winning?
You'll NOT be surprised to hear that having a happy family life was placed at the top spot, achieving higher importance status than having a successful career and landing your dream job.
The top 10 life events that make Brits feel most accomplished
Top 10 life accomplishments STACKED

1) Having a family

2) Meeting your true love

3) Being financially secure

4) Staying / becoming healthy and physically fit

5) Getting married

6) Buying your own home

7) Living to a ripe old age

8) Getting an education

9) Having a successful career

10) Landing your dream job
**Which of these do YOU think is most important to achieve in life? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.
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