Speaking to a UK newspaper, 24-year-old Josie said: “The evening I found out the sex of the baby was when I lit up my first cigarette. I’m not proud of it – but I couldn’t stop myself. It changed everything.”
“Once I’d finished the cigarette I found it difficult to focus on anything positive, so I had a small glass of wine. My intention was to have one, but before I knew it I was on my second and I’d smoked a whole packet of fags. Now I’m smoking 20 a day.”
“I knew it could harm my child but it didn’t stop me. Deep down I know I wouldn’t be smoking or drinking if I knew I was having a girl.”
She continued, comparing her pregnancy to the purchase of a new car.
“If you’ve already got a couple of Fords and you’re told your next car is going to be an Audi, your excitement goes through the roof.”
Josie Cunningham appears on Loose Women
“You make promises to yourself that you won’t smoke inside the car or let people eat takeaway food in it. But if it was another Ford those things wouldn’t be a problem.”
“It’s the same for me with the smoking and drinking when pregnant with a girl as opposed to a boy.”
Josie Cunningham vpws to stop smoking: If the NHS pay for it
Josie shocked the nation when she revealed she was planning to abort her pregnancy so she could compete in Big Brother. She changed her mind after a psychic told her she was havng a girl, only to discover she was in fact having a boy.
“I know some people will find it disgusting that I started drinking and smoking again simply because I’m having another son, but I’m being honest.”
Josie claims that more mothers feel the same way as her.
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“Deep down I know a lot of people are disappointed when they discover the sex of the child. The difference is I’m not scared to admit it.”