Following outrage at proposals to reinstated fox hunting as a ‘sport’ in the UK, the majority position on the topic is pretty clear: England does not want fox hunting to return.
In a distressing clip, one woman puts her safety on the line
The video- shared by Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary- has now garnered over 300,000 views and been shared thousands of times on Facebook.
Alongside the clip, the sanctuary wrote (translated from Spanish): “UK activists come every weekend to sabotage fox hunting.
“In this chilling video you can see a woman last minute saving a fox that was already being hunted.”
[ESCALOFRIANTE Mujer salva a zorro mientras era cazado](
Activistas en Reino Unido salen cada fin de semana a sabotear la caza del zorro, que es ILEGAL, pero que permiten igualmente. Arriesgando su vida literalmente entre cazadores que ya han matado y agredido humanos. En este vídeo escalofriante podeis ver a una mujer salvando en último minuto a un zorro que ya estaba siendo cazado.Caza es asesinato!Ayúdanos a seguir salvando animales:► Hazte socio desde 6€ al mes:► Haz Teaming con nosotros y dona 1€ al mes:► Dona: Banco SantanderIBAN ES95 0049 4388 3028 9001 5697Paypal: > >
Posted by [Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary]( on Tuesday, 1 September 2015
They then added: “Hunting is murder! Help us keep saving animals.”
Traditional fox hunting was banned by the Labour government in 2004, with the Hunting Act coming into force in February 2005.
Despite this, the League Against Cruel Sports alleges that unlawful hunts are still taking place.
Fox hunting still takes place in countries abroad, but in the US some hunters chase other animals such as coyotes instead of foxes.
Find out more about fox hunting and other cruel sports at