Pausing for a quick Instagram snap whilst delivering a baby? Not so great.
Appallingly, a doctor has reportedly been taking ‘selfies’ with women’s vaginas whilst they are giving birth.
The horrific allegations come after Daniel Sanchez, a student obstetrician from Venezuala, posed for a selfie whilst delivering a baby.
He captioned with: “Lady I can deliver your baby but first let me take a selfie.”
Though the woman is not identified in the photo, it is clear that she is in the later stages of labour (and probably not up for having her picture taken!).

After causing outrage with the shocking snap, Sanchez swiftly set his Instagram settings to ‘private’.
According to Vice, Sanchez has defended his actions, reasoning that because the woman’s ‘face and genitals’ are not on show she was ‘respected’. He also claims that she gave consent to the photo.
But since the photo was published, 47,000 people have signed a petition requesting that Sanchesz is disciplined for his shocking photos.
Founder of the petition Jesusa Ricoy wrote that the campaign was to "tackle the culture in which this kind of thing is permitted and accepted."
She then accuses Sanchez of ‘completely violating’ the woman’s privacy.
Do you think Sanchez should be disciplined? Let is know on Facebook and Twitter.