A year on she changed her mind and now, aged 19, she wants to thank the man who gave her the gift of life, through an open letter.
"Dear Sir,
Every day, I try to picture your face and imagine what you looked like. I think of you surrounded by your loving family – maybe with your wife and children who miss you very much.
I hope they can find comfort in the fact your untimely death saved my life and gave me a future I never thought possible.
Mum told me about you, she said you had died in an accident
I’m waiting for the results of my A levels in Drama, Theatre and English Literature and then I'm going to Aberystwyth University in September to lead the independent life I never thought possible.
Before I could never plan because I wasn’t sure what the future would hold. But now, I want to travel the world and backpack around America. I want to marry and have children, and live in a nice house with loads of noise and fun.
I am able to have dreams now because of you – and I promise you I will live my life to the full every single day."
You can read more of Hannah’s heart-warming letter in Closer’s Real Life Special, out today.
A huge thanks to AEG, and the amazing team at Twist PR, who are treating Hannah and her friends to a concert to celebrate her birthday.