Ed McGovern, head teacher at Stafford Leys Primary School, took two weeks off for ‘personal reasons’ in order to travel to Brazil for the World Cup.
A spokesman for the primary school said that they had approved Mr McGovern’s time off and his attendance up until that point had been ‘exemplary.’
One parent did not agree with the teacher’s World Cup term-time holiday, telling The Sun: ‘Head teacher takes two weeks off school during term time to watch World Cup.’
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Zoe Gibbs, whose two sons go to the primary school, also agreed, saying: ‘They haven't told us anything really, it's a disgrace.’
'But of course it has come out that he's gone to Brazil for the World Cup. If I were to take my son out of school I'm sure I'd be punished.’
'When my son had tonsillitis he was off for two weeks and Mr McGovern wrote us a letter saying he had had too long off sick.’
'If that's too long when you're genuinely ill then going on a jolly to Brazil isn't right.’
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