Gavin Beales ‘I spent 100k to look like my girlfriend’

When cross-dresser Gavin Beales dresses up as a woman, he knows just who he wants to look like- his girlfriend Sue. And he's succeeded, to the extent that they get mistaken for sisters.


by Mel Fallowfield |
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Originally published: 30 October 2012

Though Gavin has no desire to be a woman full-time, he’s been wearing female clothes since he was seven. Luckily, Sue not only loves him dressing up, but admits she finds her boyfriend sexier as his alter-ego, Leah – and says she’s flattered he’s copied her style.

'Sue's my ideal woman- so of course I want to look like her'

Gavin, 47, says: “Sue’s my ideal woman. She’s got a fab figure, she’s sexy and pretty, with big eyes and high cheekbones – so of course I want to look like her. We’re a similar size so we share clothes and shoes.”

Sue, his partner of 12 years, adds: “I don’t have a problem with Gavin modelling Leah on me – I find it flattering.”

Gavin – who explains he is straight and would never want a sex-change op – started cross-dressing as a child, but never told anyone until he began going to alternative clubs as an adult. “I’d pinch my mum’s tights off the radiator. I thought it was wrong, but couldn’t help myself,” recalls Gavin, who designs power tools for a living. “I progressed to full-on dressing up as a teen, but I felt ashamed, so I always kept it from previous girlfriends.”

'I'd pinch my mum's tights off the radiator. I thought it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself'

That changed when Gavin met Sue in 2000.

He recalls: “We were at a transgender club – Sue was with friends for a laugh, while I was there dressed as my alter-ego Leah. It was only the third time I’d done it. I wasn’t very convincing as a woman. I didn’t have the cleavage, the right shape, my make-up wasn’t subtle and my wig was black. I’d styled myself on a Playboy-model type.

Gavin and Sue on holiday in France in 2009
Gavin and Sue on holiday in France in 2009

“Sue was the sexiest woman there, she was glam but not over the top – I remember thinking I wanted to be as beautiful as her. I was jealous of her lovely hair and natural sex appeal. From then on, I had someone to emulate.”

Sue, 54, a nurse, adds: “Gavin’s cross-dressing was never an issue. I like supporting Gavin and hope other women would do the same. I’m not a lesbian, but I appreciate female beauty. When he started copying my look I didn’t find it weird, I was happy to help. He looked at my cleavage in tops and began to use tape and padding to mould his chest into the same shape – and he loved my bum, so he padded his until it looked the same as mine. He adored my hair and I didn’t mind him buying long blonde wigs – I even suggested he cut a fringe. I do look at Leah and think she looks strikingly similar to me – but I don’t really mind, I think she looks really sexy!”

Gavin’s look has cost £100,000, including £47,000 on cosmetic surgery – having bone shaved from his jawline to make him look more feminine, facelifts and a nose job – over £12,000 on wigs, £5,000 on beauty treatments, £9,000 on hair removal and £27,000 on clothes. But, despite an impressive bust, Gavin hasn’t had breast surgery.

'I do look at Leah and think she looks strikingly siilar to me- but I don't really mind, I think she looks really sexy'

Gavin – who divides his time between home in Newcastle and Sue’s house in London – says: “I like being a man.

I just enjoy dressing as a woman twice a week. When I go shopping, I have Sue in mind and buy clothes she’d wear.

And we share eyeshadows and foundation. The one problem is staying the same weight as Sue – it’s getting harder, so I only eat one meal a day!”

Gavin – who puts on a soft voice as Leah and alters his walk to be more ladylike – reveals he and Sue often dress up together for a night out, and swap clothes.

The pair insist their family and friends find the similarity between them funny – and admit they’re regularly mistaken for sisters. Sue says: “It’s a compliment because Gavin looks so good – sometimes I worry he looks better than me!”

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