Model Sam, 22, featured on the Channel 4 docuseries recently, and innocently asked his date Kathleen to go halves with him on their food.
Or so he thought. According to some outraged Twitter users, Sam’s request wasn’t so innocent.
Speaking to the Mirror, Sam said: “I couldn’t believe some of the reaction from people on Twitter. I had death threats, one person said that the next time I come out in Manchester I’m dead.”
That’s more than a bit extreme, isn’t it?
Sam claims that the show edited him to look like a ‘typical mode’ which could be the reason behind some of the backlash.
He continued: “We actually had a laugh on the date, and she was a really nice girl, but I ended up getting a lot of stick about splitting the bill.
“It was a really expensive meal, like £350, and I knew I wasn’t going to see her again, so what’s wrong with asking her to split the bill?”
But it seems it wasn’t just the situation with the bill that had the internet raging.
One user wrote: “Sam isn’t half as fit as he thinks he is, with the personality of a porridge oat.”
Another said: “Sam has the personality of a wet fish. What’s the f***ing attraction?”
Ouch. Do you think Sam was wrong to ask to split the bill? Let us know now in the comments box below.