Ex boyfriend of heavily pregnant woman beaten until she miscarried is charged

A man has been charged after a sickening attack on his pregnant ex-girlfriend


by Ellie Henman |
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Earlier this week, the news of a vicious attack on an eight month pregnant woman shocked the nation.

Malorie Bantala, 21, was repeatedly kicked in the stomach outside of her home in Peckham, London, on Monday night. Her attackers, both wearing motorcycle helmets beat Malorie mercilessly before fleeing from the scene.

Shockingly, Malorie had to wait 70 minutes for an ambulance to take her to hospital where she remains critically ill with internal bleeding. Sadly, her unborn child died in the cruel attack.

Speaking earlier, her mother said: “She lost her baby. She was in pain and she was crying. She's in hospital doing okay but is so upset. She was happy. She wanted the baby."

Now, it’s confirmed that Malorie’s ex boyfriend, Kevin Wilson, has been arrested and charge.

Wilson appeared in court to confirm his name, address and date of birth.

In the first count, the he was charged with “intent to destroy the life of a child capable of being born alive, by a wilful act, namely kicking and stamping on the stomach of the 32-week pregnant mother, causing the child to die before it had any existence independent of its mother.”

Detective Chief Inspector Robert Pack said: “It is quite clear she was heavily, heavily pregnant. That child was totally viable. The law says at 28 weeks the child is viable of independent life.

“It has had a purely devastating impact of that young lady's life and the sheer nastiness of the crime. She is fighting for her life, she is very poorly unfortunately and been transferred to intensive care overnight. She has friends and family around her and we are hoping she makes a full recovery.”

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