Enraged parents hit out at ‘hypocrite’ school governor who took daughter on two-week sunshine holiday despite fines

A school governor has come under fire after he ignored his own school’s anti-truanting laws, and took his daughter on a two week Spanish holiday.


by Jessica Anais Rach |
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Cheshire-based Paul Lawton allowed his 13-year old daughter to miss 11 days at her Macclesfield school so they could fly out to Spain’s Costa Del Sol for a fortnight.

The 42-year-old sparked further outrage, when he launched a Facebook campaign ranting about price hikes during school holidays, during which he revealed that he saved £5000 by taking a term-time holiday.

Defending his actions, Paul, who is a farmer and local parish councilor, has said he could not afford to go away during the summer due to his busy contract work schedule.

'If we had gone three weeks later it would have been £6000 - and we can't afford that'

The father-of-five said:

'One of the reasons I went to Spain is because a very good friend of mine who has been like a father has got cancer.

'I am an agricultural contractor and some months I just can't get away as I have to do my work. To go when we did cost us £1,200 to fly the whole family of seven to Spain with flights and transfers.

'If we had gone three weeks later it would have been £6000 - and we can't afford that.


'But I wouldn't do this again due to all the mither that it has caused to my family - I now have two very upset daughters who feel like everyone is picking on their dad.'

But parents at the Macclesfield Academy were outraged by ‘smug’ holiday snaps posted online by Paul, showing him playing golf and enjoying pool time.

And on his return, Paul and his 33-year-old wife Emma were hit with fixed penalty notices of £60 each by the local education authority under school anti-truanting laws.

'I'm a governor at two schools and I think I am being singled out’

When they failed to pay up, the couple were ordered before magistrates in Macclesfield. Both admitted a charge of failing to ensure a child of compulsory school age attended school regularly.

The couple were then ordered to pay double the original fine plus £70 costs.

Speaking after their court appearance, Paul explained the children had never been abroad before, adding:

'I think the government should stop this ridiculous rip-off when some people aren't fortunate enough to write cheques out and spend £5000 to go away for two weeks.

'Mr Lawton is an absolute disgrace and is not worthy of his position as governor'

'When I see the prices before and after the school holidays I'm annoyed. It makes it impossible to go and explore Europe and get cultured and see things you don't see in England. Half a dozen people have offered to pay my fine for me.

'I'm a governor at two schools and I think I am being singled out.’

But one angry parent said:

'Mr Lawton is an absolute disgrace and is not worthy of his position as governor. Parents get constantly bleated at about taking their kids out of school to go on holidays - and he of all people should know all about that.

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