WATCH: Pensioner waited for his children every Christmas – but they didn’t come until his funeral

It’s official; German supermarket EDEKA have trumped John Lewis with their heartbreaking Christmas advert

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by Closer staff |
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British supermarkets battle it out every year to win over our festive spirits (and spending) with tear-jerking adverts.

But German supermarket, EDEKA, has outdone them all with an emotive tale that truly captures the meaning of Christmas.

The ad titled “#heimkommen" (time to come home), features a lonely old man at a Christmas dinner table for one as his children dash about the globe with work and family commitments that take priority over him.

As the time passes and the excuses pile up, the old man makes a drastic effort to bring his disparate family together.

No spoilers – just grab a tissue before you watch Jung von Matt’s touching tribute to familial love.


The ad has amassed over 40 million views on YouTube – almost twice that of John Lewis’s “Man on the Moon” – that has been criticised for promoting gifts over family values.

It seems the public agrees with loads of Twitter commitments to time with family this season.

*Words by Cate Sutherland. *

Which Christmas advert do you love more - EDEKA or John Lewis?

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