Costa’s coffee cup conspiracy EXPOSED! Here’s what they have to say about it:

Closer readers, are you shocked by this so-called Costa conspiracy?

Costa coffee cups

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

If you’re anything like us, you can’t start the day without a cup of your favourite takeout coffee.

And Costa, much like Starbucks and Caffe Nero, has long been heralded as one of the most popular high street coffee chains out there.

However a lot of people are cross at them after a builder exposed them as ‘con artists’ on Facebook.

Sharing a video to back up his claims, Paul Hopkinson says:“"Right. Costa coffee in the morning. Lots of builders, we buy Costa coffee cups in the morning and we've noticed an increase in price in 30p between the regular size and the large.

"Not that 30p is a lot of money, but what we've done is purchase a large, nice and steamy, nice and hot and we are going to see what the actual difference is.

"So we're going to pour, without spilling any, the large into the regular just to see what our 30p gets us different."

Costa coffee cups

Yup, you guessed it; the contents of a lage cup of Costa coffee actually fits perfectly into a regular sized cup.

So why the extra 30p, eh?

The video, which was posted on Costa Coffee’s official Facebook page, has sparked something of an outcry amongst social media users and coffee aficionados alike.

And it’s been shared over a whopping 80K times.

However Costa have responded to the hullabaloo directly, insisting that they are not duping their customers at all.

They wrote: "Hi Paul, thanks for taking the time to send in your video! Despite what it looks like I can assure you you're not being duped in anyway.

"The regular cups is a 12oz and the large is a 16oz so there is 4 fluid oz in size difference. Plus you also get the extra shot of coffee, hence the price difference!

"Also for safety reasons there is no way we would be able to fill the cup that high as it would end up burning someone."



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