Contraception failed this mum twice and now she has TWO SETS of twins

Emma Power

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Published on

This story is truly incredible

Remember in Friends when Rachel tells Ross she's pregnant and he literally cannot believe it because they used a condom? Well Emma Power from York had a similar situation... twice!

The mum-of-four used the Pill and the implant for contraception but both methods failed her because she fell pregnant one two separate occasions with twins!

READ: Pregnant with twins? Here's what to expect

Emma who was 19 at the time was surprised when she discovered she was pregnant with twins even though she had correctly been taking the contraceptive pill. Opening up about the incredible news she admitted to the Daily Mail: "I had been taking the Pill for a while and thought there was no way that I could possibly fall pregnant. I made sure I took it each day, and I hadn't been ill.

"When I went for my scan… the sonographer told me that she could see two heartbeats. I couldn't believe what I was hearing."

After Emma gave birth to her twin boys Connor and Kyle the amazing news didn’t stop there because a few years after having her sons the same event occurred. After the Pill failed Emma and her husband John, she decided to take the implant, which is inserted into your arm, automatically releases hormones and is seen as a more effective method, but then she fell pregnant with twins AGAIN.

After taking a pregnancy test she decided to go for a scan. She had some bleeding and didn't know what the doctor would say but she was surprised when they told her she was expecting twins. She admitted she had mixed emotions of relief and shock and her husband was in disbelief: "[He] didn't believe me until I actually showed him the scan photo with two heartbeats on."

How amazing!

Emma and John are now parents to their two ten-year-old twins Connor and Kyle and four-year-old twin girls Jessica and Ruby. Since having all four children Emma has been sterilised by her doctors and after hearing that there's a chance her body could reverse the operation they advised for John to have a vasectomy too.

According to NHS this case is very rare and the chances of having two sets of non-identical twins while using the pill and implant is one in three billion.

Now how crazy is that?

If you're wondering whether the same thing could happen to you don't worry doctors admitted Emma's pregnancies are due to her and her husband's "super fertility."

Emma admitted she feels lucky to have her children, adding: "even if they… were a complete surprise."


This isn't the only incredible twin baby story we've heard. Mum-of-nine Zoe Sullivan suffered complications and had to be induced and gave birth to her twin girls Erin and Leah on their older twin sisters Charlotte and Elizabeth's eighth birthday. There was also a mother who gave birth to a rare pair of biracial twins girls Kalani and Jarani in America. And we couldn't forget the gorgeous twin girls who were separated as babies and reunited on live television in America.

How incredible.

Do you have twins? Did you fall pregnant while taking contraception? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

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