Ruby’s mum, Zoe Stewart, tweeted a pic of Mr Rabbit along with the caption: ‘LOST!!!!! Lovely people of London please keep your eyes open and retweet if you can, one super upset wee girl.’
It is thought that the much loved cuddly toy went missing somewhere between Carnaby Street and Oxford Street before they got the train to East Dulwich.

It has only been a couple of days and the word of the missing rabbit has spread like wildfire amongst social networking sites. Zoe said: ‘The response has been unbelievable - I didn't know there were that many nice people out there.’
'I've had 50 people offering to send me their toy rabbits, and even people from America offering to send Ruby a postcard from Disneyland so she thinks Mr Rabbit is having a nice time on holiday.’
Zoe thought that using a spare Mr Rabbit would convince her daughter that he had not been lost, but Ruby couldn’t be fooled and said straight away: ‘No, that's not Mr Rabbit.’
Zoe gave a brief description of the toy: ‘His neck has no stuffing left from being hugged so much so flops to one side and his ears smell like Olbas Oil.’

Mr Rabbit has stuck with Ruby through good times and bad, and its clear that he was a much loved member of the family.
‘He was there when she was in hospital, he was there when she had chicken pox, her first tooth, the first time she fell and skint her knee or bumped her head… He is very loved and missed.’
On Zoe’s website, she thanked the public for their help so far. She wrote ‘We’ve had over 1,000 retweets including companies and celebrities, over 2,000 share on facebook with a phenomenal reach of over 134,000 people. We just want to say a huge thank you to EVERYONE who has helped out so far!’ Celebrities such as TV presenters Kirstie Allsopp and Cherry Healey have offered their support in tracking down Mr Rabbit.
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