We imagine plenty of men, if asked for their ultimate sexual fantasy, might say that they dream of having sex on their team's football ground.
And it looks as if one guy has now done just that.
Yup, a Vine video uploaded yesterday afternoon has shown a couple appearing to have sex on the centre of Charlton Athletic's football pitch.
In the caption, user Showboat Vines claims that the frisky duo - clearly looking to squeeze in a little bit of (ahem) sextra time - had broken into The Valley football stadium in London.
It read: "Someone broke into The Valley (home of Charlton) and did this in the centre circle! #SextraTime."
Check it out:
Judging by the footage, it looks as if this a) occurred in the early hours of the morning, and b) was a very enjoyable experience for both al fresco lovers!
Charlton club officials, however, are less than amused.
They are reportedly now investigating the footage as a matter of urgency - so woe betide the frisky duo when they get found out!
Sex in public: The couples who got busted [NSFW]

The Clock Tower Couple - Sydney, Australia
This stark naked couple were photographed having sex on a clock tower in the middle of a busy shopping centre, and were seemingly unbothered about the terrifying drop they faced should they accidentally bump 'n' grind right off the balcony.
Ah well, live while you're young and all that…

The Motorway Couple - Google Street View
It’s entirely possible that this couple isn’t actually having sex, and is rather just having some fun at Google’s expense. On the other hand, it’s also possible that they’re doing both. Either way, they're smiling - and that's the main thing, right?

The 'New Mexico State Police Officer' Couple - America
This police officer was awkwardly caught out having sex, while in uniform, in public, in broad daylight by a security camera. Inappropriate use of time and tax money? Or just an excellent example of multi-tasking? You decide.

The Russian Fountain Couple - Leningrad Street, Russia
This erotic encounter was filmed by 26-year-old Aleksey Douhov as the lovebirds went at it for 15 minutes on top of the historic fountain in the city of Samara, with the video quickly becoming one of the most watched on Russian social media. The ultimate PDA?

The Parisian Couple - Paris
Where better to get down 'n' dirty than on the streets of Paris, City Of Love? Exactly.

The Sex On The Beach Couple - Florida, America
Elissa Alvarez, 20, and Jose Caballero, 39, had sex on a Florida beach for a full 25 minutes before wandering off for a swim. Despite the fact everyone around them knew what was going on, nobody rang the police.
But, when the duo decided to go for round two, it became too much for nearby witnesses - one of whom was sitting with a 4-year-old girl.

The Student Couple - Cambridge, UK
The guy who filmed this couple going at it on the streets of Cambridge told a local paper: "I heard some groaning outside and to be honest I thought it was some kind of a monster. I opened up the curtain. I could not really believe what I was seeing.
"I got all the guys over to have a look and I thought I better film this. It was pretty hilarious.”

The Car Park Couple - Bluewater, UK
Kent999s - who pride themselves on telling the public what Kent's emergency services are up to - tweeted photos of a couple, whose trousers are halfway down their legs, passionately kissing while leaning against a black Citroen in the Bluewater Shopping Centre's carpark.
Blue by name, blue by nature, we guess!

The 'On The Road' Couple - Magaluf, Spain
The couple, who can be seen having sex between two parked cars in the footage, were filmed by someone recording through a nearby window. During the two-minute encounter, the copulating couple - who appear to be in their 30s - seem unfazed by passing cars.
We guess they were a little distracted…

The 'Should Probably Be Teaching' Couple - Slovenia
A married headmaster was found by students between the legs of a female maths teacher when they heard noises coming from a classroom.
They said: "We heard the noises and knew someone was having sex in there’ said one 19-year-old at the high school in Slovenia.
"But we thought it would be other students. We couldn’t believe it when we saw our maths teacher and headmaster."

The Banking Couple - Oviedo, Spain
This impatient man and woman were busted by police when they stripped off and had sex inside an ATM bank. While they weren't arrested, they were made famous when photos of the incident went viral on Twitter.

The History Loving Couple - Newcastle, UK
These history buffs were caught IN the buff when they were snapped on top of a fortification in Newcastle, England. Their photo soon went viral on Twitter and history was made.

The Daredevil Couple - Tartu, Estonia
It must have taken a LOT of guts for these exhibitionists to clamber up on top of this bridge, which stands at 45 metres tall. Zoinks! Eyewitnesses photographed the couple and posted them to a Dutch social media site, which was nearly shut down when so many people logged in wanting to see it.

The Student Couple Part II - University of Southern California, America
These two students decided to sneak onto the roof of their university for a steamy hook-up, and were snapped by hundreds of students standing in the quad below. Awks.

The Sports Fan Couple - Yankee Stadium, America
In a YouTube video posted on the sports blog Deadspin, fans can be seen watching as a man clad only in a hiked-up CC Sabathia T-shirt and a woman had full-on sex in a Yankee Stadium Bathroom.
“People were jockeying for position outside the stall to take pics either over or under, and even standing up on the toilet bowl on the neighbouring stall,” one eyewitness said.

The Katie Hopkins Couple - A field, UK
Yes, Katie Hopkins got photographed having sex in a field. Old news.