A cat named Limberbutt McCubbins has entered the US 2016 race for presidency, and no we’re not joking.
Bizarrely, it is completely legal for him to run for presidency. Limberbutt joins the likes of human candidates Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in the race for the White House.
Efficient Limberbutt has even managed to paw his way through the necessary paperwork in a bid to claw his way to POTUS status.
And before you wonder, proud owner Emilee McCubbins (who must be in the running for Vice President should Limberbutt achieve a landslide victory) is not a House of Cards-esque politician hell bent on undermining a rival.
She is in fact an 18-year-old high school student who was encouraged by a friend to enter her cat in the presidential race.
Limberbutt has even coordinated his own social media campaign. The cat- or his human assistant- shared his version of Obama’s iconic 2008 election campaign poster. Below it read: “Together, we cat”, a play on the words that led Obama to become the leader of the free world.
Together, we cat. > >
Posted by [Limberbutt 2016](https://www.facebook.com/Limberbutt4President2016) on [Tuesday, 2 June 2015](https://www.facebook.com/Limberbutt4President2016/posts/834706249954295:0)
Animals have previously stood as candidates in American elections. In 1968 a pig attempted to win the hearts of voters and in 2008 Obama was challenged by a dog named Molly.
We are not yet aware of what policies that Limberbutt is planning on proposing, but something tells us that mice and dogs might majorly lose out should America choose a cat as their leader...