Boots was saved from euthanasia at just 10 days old, when she was dumped at the animal shelter with horrific injuries.

She had to be bottle fed for a month until she was able to eat on her own, and then amazingly managed to learn to walk using house slippers - made by OrthoPets in Denver, Colorado.
Vets have confirmed that someone had amputated the kitten's feet, and this had been done is such a way that meant the nerve endings were exposed and raw.

As she grows, gains weight and tries to walk, she is in pain on the exposed nubs. She desperately needs surgery to clean up the ends of the legs and get her fitted with proper prosthetics.
OrthoPets have outlined a plan which will enable Boots to live a pain-free life and function normally, but the cost is over six thousand dollars.

Life is Better rescue are therefore asking for donations - even as little as £1 - so that this kitten can get the chance in life it so deserves.
Donations can be made via Paypal or Colorado Gives. Visit the site hereand scroll down the page to get to Boots' section where you can donate.