It's officially the most depressing day of the year - Blue Monday... But what can you do to cheer yourself up today? We've got a few options for you!
So Monday 20 January 2020 is Blue Monday – the most miserable day of the year.
But what are YOU gonna do about it? Yes you could spend the whole day moping round, feeling sad and wearing a frown - or you could do something to cheer yourself up.
And that’s where we come in.
We’ve created a list of seven cheap and easy things you can do to perk yourself up on Blue Monday. Try one (or even all) of them out and less us know how you get on...
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Cheap and easy ways to cheer yourself up on Blue Monday

Watch a film at home in your PJs
Can't be bothered to go out? Don't worry about it. You can instantly stream all the Bridget Jones films on Amazon Prime from the comfort of your own home. Get yourself a bottle of wine on the way home and get the girls round – is there a better antidote to the 'saddest day of the year'?

Go and see a film at the cinema
There's nothing like completely losing yourself in a story at the cinema to cheer you up! We know it can be a slightly expensive trip, but what better excuse to treat yourself to a cinema trip than Blue Monday?! Whether it's a happy film or a sad film (sometimes, you need a good cry!), it's bound to make you forget about the day.

Get into baking!
It's scientifically proven that the smell of a freshly baked cake filling the house releases endorphins in the brain and makes you happy.…Ok, it's not scientifically proven, but it's definitely an excellent way of feeling good about yourself. Especially when you see the masterpiece you have created with your own two hands! And, of course, it will taste good. Grab yourself a new baking set and pretend you're Mary Berry. You could even get the kids involved with this, if you don't mind your kitchen potentially turning into a huge mess…

Go out for a meal with a pal
If you can't be bothered to cook or bake yourself, eat out! So, it's a Monday – who cares? Do something a bit wild, go out on a school night! We strongly advise you to just eat whatever you want and worry about your health kick tomorrow - when it's NOT the most depressing day of the year.

Treat yourself to a pampering sesh
This is a no-brainer, really. Dig out all those smellies you got for Christmas that you normally end up chucking away after they've gone off in July (or buy yourself some more, obvs) and really treat yourself to a nice hot bath with a face mask and a hot chocolate. Or wine. Got kids? Give them a Very Important Task to complete in absolute silence – doesn't matter what it is, as long as they're quiet for an hour or two, giving you enough time to completely relax in the bath smelling like a queen.

Avoid social media
We know this is going to be a difficult one to accomplish – how will you last a day without scrolling through the Closer Facebook page?! But honestly, you won't do yourself a better favour today than this. Do you REALLY want to be reading loads of upsetting statuses and feeling sorry for yourself? Or scrolling through Insta at the influencers who seemingly "have it all"? No, you do not. Get rid of it for 24 hours.

Write a list of positive things in your life
This might sound a bit cheesy, but it really does help improve your mental health. We all get so caught up in things that aren't that important in the grand scheme of things, and if you take a step back and write down everything that you're thankful for, it's sure to life your spirits. Look at photos of you and your family and friends or old holiday photos – they're sat gathering dust in albums in the spare room, now is their time to shine! Why not invest in a bullet journal and vow to make today the day you change your habits and get more organised? We love this floral one from Amazon.

Do some exercise
We all know that not only does being more active increase happy hormones in the body, but you'll feel great for getting out there and doing something. Whether you go for a run (which is free, btw), attend a yoga class or do a YouTube dance workout, you definitely won't regret it.

Get organised
Take a leaf out of Marie Kondo's book and organise your life to free up both physical and mental space. Been meaning to go through your wardrobe and donate those dresses you haven't worn in years? Blue Monday is the perfect time to do it, giving you the satisfaction of finally ticking it off your list, as well as the good feeling that comes with donating to charity. Even something as simple as organising your underwear drawer can give you an immense feeling of satisfaction. Move over, Kondo!
What will you be doing to combat Blue Monday? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.
What is Blue Monday? Everything you need to know about the saddest day of the year